Lockdowns and Internet and People and Health

Facebook connected to me to many- so this website suffered; little formal updating for a couple of years! But there are still solid resources to be find on my Learning with Alison (Ali) site – and this WordPress site gave me a few years of friendly connections.  Now Facebook is requesting a website- so linking many to my online spaces-

FYI: Thanks to the many who connect via WordPress, Facebook. Twitter, direct email, Skype, Pinterest, Google- and best of all say Hello in person! Especially as many more are experiencing the feeling of being confined, contained, and sometimes literally “taken out of context”; can’t help but feel this is a way to catalogue or do a Global census- as each keystroke announces we do exist!  However- as someone deeply missing social contact being a hands on- experiential explorer of knowledge am also Grateful for the limited connections the Internet does provide.  As for teaching over the internet- distance learning was something I participated in way back through an organization that asked for online tutors and offered computer plus office as a Volunteer position.  We followed a set program, connected to a select group, and by means of then supplying graded materials to a central office, students received credit.  Today’s new form of “scramble to put something from the curriculum in front of the kids” is very different! Parents and students and teachers are finding that even with open SKYPE or Zoom or simply recording and allowing students to access via a channel, no one ought to be expected to put in a six hour set of lessons and then with their own families in need of support – mark or score that amount of material. Do please do what you can if with Junior High and younger to make learning less formal- more experiential and about how creative and curious to learn more you and the children can be.  And for High School age students, have them consider what technology as tools have meant to society- this cell phone or lap top or which ever device- connecting us across the miles but still being distanced from neighbours- a bizarre situation at best that demands comic relief- for which the Night Time Talk Show Hosts have been preparing their monologues and wonderful Political Satire and are now sharing their families, their  home life and still connecting us to their guests- that we might feel a little less cooped up, a little more at one with the Universe!

To Everyone’s Health Good Wishes being sent across the miles!

#COVIDTEACHING  #onlinelearning   #experientiallearning  #Postsecondarytraining


will be doing a live webinar – a simple reading of a story to demonstrate the K-12 application and how to stay engaged- waving HI and See YOU!

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